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I plan to do a double-degree master in Industrial Design and Innovation Management at the University of Technology Eindhoven. During my Bachelor Industrial Design, I discovered my interest in helping companies to innovate. Also, I would like to make a large impact on society with my designs. During my master Innovation Management, I hope to strengthen my knowledge of strategic marketing, innovation techniques, and entrepreneurship. During my master Industrial Design I hope to improve my skills in the competencies Business & Entrepreneurship and User & Society with positivity as a central theme. I am busy setting up a start-up together with a friend. I hope this will give me more insight into what it entails to set up your own company. It is not entirely clear to me yet what I like to do after my Masters, but I have some big audacious goals: I want to set up my own company and make a large impact on society by creating products that help people to have a positive look on their life. Also, I would like to become the head of innovation of a large corporate and lead them towards the right direction.

My activities all had a meaningful contribution to my development as an Industrial Designer. The lesson I learned that I want to emphasize is the ability to learn by doing. I think one of the most valuable skills I have learned during my Bachelor Industrial Design is the ability to learn the basics of anything new myself. I learned to do literature research on the skill, I learned to ask questions to the right people and I learned to practice by trial-and-error. Another skill I want to keep on developing in the future is setting goals and reflecting on them. I think rewriting my vision and professional identity repeatedly, will help me direct to the right path. My vision and professional identity will help me set goals. Reflecting on these goals will help me make the right choices and will help me develop appropriate skills.

Copyright © 2018 Claudia van den Boom